For Leagues & Associations

How it works

Find out what’s involved and how you can start collecting payments via Teammo today.

Step 1

You're interested in Teammo

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more information, get in touch with our team. The purpose of this is to get a high-level understanding of what you’re looking for. We will then set up a time to speak with you and your team in more detail.

Initial meeting

We would love to speak with your organisation to learn about your current processes and challenges. It’s a great opportunity for us to better understand what you need and show you a demo of the platform. This session can be face-to-face, although given the current climate, we usually do a video call.

Following the session, we can provide more detailed information about the platform, and have follow up sessions as required.

You want to start using Teammo

You have had a chance to think about it, and you would like to introduce Teammo within your organisation. That’s great! Once you let us know, we will help you get your account set up. It takes no longer than 15 minutes. Read through the steps below for more detail on how we onboard your organisation.

Step 2


Organisation set up in Teammo

Your league or association is configured and loaded into the Teammo platform. This takes less than 15 minutes.

Teammo will send an invite link

We will share an invite link for you (and anyone else) to create a login to access your organisation’s account in Teammo. In your account you will be able to see payment information, settings and reports.

Update your organisation details

Before you start collecting payments, you will need to add some details to your account – ABN, business address and bank account details.

Step 3

Rollout (start or mid season)

Competition setup

We will help you set up competitions in your account for your active season. This requires fee types to be set up (e.g. match fees, forfeit fees) and forfeit notification contacts to be updated.

Data access

Teammo works with a number of competition management systems. We import data from these systems into Teammo to ensure that your account and teams/clubs have context with regards to their match payments. By providing us access to your competition management system, this will allow Teammo to obtain team registration information and fixture data. This data is imported into Teammo.

Import teams and fixtures

Before you start collecting match payments from teams, we import your team registration list and fixture data from your competition management system.

Step 4

During the season

Update team data

Your league or association is configured and loaded into the Teammo platform. This takes less than 15 minutes.

Update fixtures

Teammo refreshes data every 1-2 days. This ensures that teams are making payments with the most up-to-date match information.

Payment scenarios

In the event of a forfeit, or game cancellation, we will always transfer team payments to upcoming games. If there are no remaining games left, a refund will be issued. We will liaise with you on this.

Ready to get started?

Start managing and collecting money straight way. If you want to learn more and see a demo, please get in touch with our friendly team!